Word from the Executive Director


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As the world faces the growing concern for the care and safety of the aging populations, the religious congregations too are concerned about how best to care the growing numbers of aging sisters, particularly those who have dedicated their lives to various ministries such as to education, health, social ministry, and pastoral care, just to mention a few, a pressing question emerges: where do these remarkable women go after they have retired from active live? Who cares for these care-givers? These are questions that weigh heavily on our hearts and our collective conscience.


In order to answer this question, research was done to assess their life after active ministry by CERRA Africa and later by Spec training and consultancy to map out existing Elderly Care facilities for Sisters. The results revealed a dire need in caring for the elderly sisters and lack of preparation for ageing. This led to the intervention which is this “new baby” called the Care for Aging Sisters Association Kenya with its purpose to support the care of elderly and infirm sisters and others.  In the words of Sr. Jane, the Vice President at the Hilton N. Foundation, the purpose of this association is: “to give a little but lasting joy to the retired sisters.” It is a mission of profound significance, one that seeks to repay the immeasurable debt of gratitude we owe to these aging sisters who have been the bedrock of our communities, providing education, healthcare, spiritual guidance, and unwavering love.


The Care for Aging Sisters Association Kenya’s two-year strategic plan for 2023-2024 marks the beginning of a transformative journey. It reflects the commitment to addressing a spectrum of critical issues concerning the care of our revered sisters. This plan encompasses the well-being of these retired caregivers from multiple angles, including caregiver support, spiritual care, psychosocial well-being, infrastructure enhancements, assistive devices, medical care, and comprehensive preparation for the aging process.


Our strategic objective is to establish a robust and sustainable framework for their dignified, comfortable, and fulfilled retirement. As we undertake this journey, we invite the collaboration, support, and solidarity of the wider community, congregations, institutions, and individuals who share our unwavering commitment to this noble cause.

In the spirit of compassion and unity, let us collectively make a difference in the lives of those who have made such an indelible mark on our world. The Care for Aging Sisters Association Kenya’s journey has just begun, and with your support, we can ensure that our aging sisters receive the care, respect, and love they so rightfully deserve.


Together, let us honor their lifetime of service with the same dedication and love that they have shown to us. The journey to “give a little joy to the retired sisters” starts here. “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone (Psalm 71:9). Thank you for joining us on this path of compassion and care.

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